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Monday, April 28, 2014

Gorgeous Paint

Even though the fenders were done quickly the Cab and other components were in worse shape than expected from the original body work guys.  They  needed a couple weeks of re-priming and sanding.   After that was done then the process to lay down Candy paint starts.

Several coats of a base primer, because the Candy base is so expensive.  Then several coats of Candy Base, Several Coats of tint to get the perfect 3D color, then 6 layers of clear.

The reasons this takes so long is the no catylizers can be used and the paint has to sit and dry over night. Thus the Candy paint is difficult and took 3 weeks to paint properly.

The pictures look a bit red but the paint is really a beautiful dark orange and has an awesome 3D luster!

As a surprise to me Jerry had included his signature special paint.  He hand painted the dash wood grain to match the bed color.  It looks like real wood, its incredible!